Thursday, April 19, 2012

Running is NOT bad for you...

Contrary to what seems to be popular opinion, running is NOT bad for you. 

Yes, I am fully aware that my injury came about because I was running. But guess what... this injury could just have easily happened while walking, or climbing stairs, or any doing essentially any daily task. And considering the fact that I am a klutz - all of those are truly just as likely!

And, it is running that has likely helped me recover as quickly as I have post surgery. If I hadn't been running for over a year, I wouldn't have been in decent shape and would probably still be on crutches right now.

It's amazing the comments I get sometimes... that maybe I shouldn't try running anymore. Maybe I should find another activity. But running isn't just a hobby. It's a passion. It's a part of my life. And I ache that I'm not out there yet. I really do. 

So yes, I fully plan on returning to running when I am cleared. If that seems crazy, well, too bad. I'm much crazier when I'm not running. Trust me.


  1. My mom had an ATV accident and broke her back and crushed her pelvis. She was 54 years old and had been running for almost 20 years at that point. If she HAD NOT been a runner, she would likely not have lived (so said the doctor). I agree, running isn't bad for you!

  2. AAANNND, she was back running about 7 months post accident. AFTER she learned to walk again and now 10 years later, she still runs. Running IS good for you.
