Monday, May 21, 2012

The pool is cool.

First things first, I just got back from swimming at the big YMCA pool. I used a board and went 10 full laps (1 lap = out + back; I think that's what swimmers do). Lots and lots of kicking! I stopped at the halfway point on most laps to stretch the hip in different directions and make sure everything felt okay. And it did! It felt great! Oh, I must go to the pool daily. Wish I had time to do that 7 days a week but that would require me to swim at 4 am on the days I work and I am not going to make that sacrifice. So 4 days out of 7 will be fine. Ha!

I worked 3 shifts in a row this weekend, which I was a little concerned about but had the new exercises in my back pocket. I used them throughout and it worked great. I was sore starting at the end of the 2nd shift and hurt that night in bed. My 3rd shift (yesterday) wasn't as bad. (Now, I did float over to the unit with all the little babies so that actually ended up being a good thing for the hip I think.)

Lots on the agenda this week - plan to go to the Y every day in some fashion, plus my PT session on Wednesday.

And my 2 new running skirts arrived on Saturday! YIPPEE! So I already owned 2 skirts (both from that I had bought at a significant sale price. I really can't afford their regular prices. But they fit so well and are so fun to run in. So I had a great coupon and found a couple of skirts already on a really good sale. I have more motivation to lose this weight and get ready to run in a few more weeks (come on MD!) Here's the ones I got. So excited!! Sure wish I looked like this in them right now. LOL

Running Skirt Surf Gold

midnight navy running skirt

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