Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Strangers can still hurt my feelings...

I don't know what I'm more upset about today... the rude comment that a random stranger made about me, or the fact that I'm letting it bother me.

So I'm at PT today. The place was full, and I was doing a zig-zag walk across the office with a resistance band around my ankles. There was an older man there doing PT and a woman was with him (wife? sister? I don't know). Anyway, she says to me, "You must be here to lose weight, because you make the exercises look easy." WHAT?? A couple of things here:

  1. Could you be any more rude? Okay it's great that you think I make the exercise look easy (it sure isn't, so that's good.) But you think I need to lose weight? This isn't what I want to hear. I've gained almost 15 pounds in the last 5 months (from being immobile, continuing to eat like I was still running, and probably some of that depression-induced overeating too). And I'm not excited about it at all. I had worked so hard and got my body to look exactly how I wanted it, and it all went out the window when I fell. So now random stranger is telling me I need to lose weight. That does wonders for my self-esteem, let me tell ya.
  2. Who goes to physical therapy to lose weight anyway? I mean, if I wanted to go anywhere to lose weight, I'd go to a gym and get a trainer. I wouldn't go to physical therapy.

I tried to tell myself that she didn't say what she meant. But it still bugged me. I hate that my weight is a sore point, but it is. And I hate that I let her comment bother me. But it did; it does. And that makes me feel even worse.

Other than that, PT was great. Tried a couple of different exercises. And my PT gave me a couple of other ideas to try in the pool when I go, so that was cool. 

Tomorrow will be a better day, darn it.


  1. Nah, that stuff you just gotta blow off. I've been exercising for 25 years consistently (usually at a gym). What I have found is that those that say things like that are the amateurs, and usually don't have what I call "gym etiquette". That's why if your at the gym, you'll see people like me expressing words of encouragement to other gym members, it makes a huge difference mentally.

    So ya just gotta blow those things off which happened to you.

    Keep up the good work, sounds like your making serious progress. (this is Ronnald BTW).

    Here's a good one which I get asked every once in a while when I see a distant friend somewhere "So you still going to the gym?" I hate that question!!

  2. How about some advice? I am a 54 year old runner who has run 25 marathon including a 2:48 last year at Grandma's. Lasst fall I developed some hamstring and lateral hip symptoms that did not go away. An MRI show femoroacetabular impingement syndrome and some early arthritis at the pincer deformity of my acetabulum and some chondromalacia of the femoral head altho no arthritis mentioned on the MRI. stopped running 8 weeks ago and do not plan to run for 6 months in hopes of healing some of the chondromalacia. The I will consider surgery but only if I have a good chance of running again. Thoughts?

  3. Dr 26.2- I didn't have the FAI or chondromalacia but there is a great forum on Runner's World if you haven't visited there. A bunch of folks who've had this surgery (with FAI) are on a thread called "support thread for hip FAI/labral tear peeps) on the Injury Prevention forum. There are several folks who had the surgery and have returned to running. it's a slow process for sure, but you can get back to running (based on them). Good luck to you, you are fast!
